
Backcountry is an online retailer of outdoor gear. They were recently featured in the New York Times for their innovative new way to sell some of the best products available on the market through a subscription service that allows you to rent a specific item for one season and earn points towards future purchases.
What is Backcountry?

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Backcountry is a place away from developed areas and usually refers to the mountainous or wilderness areas nearby. The best outdoor gear for camping in backcountry will be different than what you would use in a developed area. The terrain and weather conditions are much more varied, and you’re likely going to be outside for longer periods of time. This means you need to prepare for tougher conditions, take extra care with your gear, and have the right skills.
Types of Outdoor Gear

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Camping can be an enjoyable experience when done with the right gear. There are many types of outdoor gear that can accommodate a wide range of activities and needs. From tents to backpacks, these pieces of gear can make your camping experience more comfortable and convenient. When selecting outdoor gear, it is important to consider your specific needs and wants.
One important factor to consider when selecting outdoor gear is weather conditions. In general, warmer climates are better suited for camping in tents than cold weather conditions. Tents also offer greater protection from the elements in warm weather but can be less sturdy in cold weather. For backpackers, choosing the right backpack is essential for comfort and convenience while hiking or backpacking. Backpacks should fit comfortably on your body while being able to carry a sufficient number of supplies. Additionally, choosing a backpack that is water resistant will protect your items from rain or snow while outdoors.
When selecting outdoor gear, it is important to be aware of the various options available to you. By doing so, you can find the perfect piece of gear for your individual needs and preferences.
Skis, Snowboards, and Accessories

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When it comes to backcountry skiing, many people overlook the importance of the right gear. Sure, you can ski without any equipment, but why go through the hassle and expense of buying everything you need if you can borrow or rent something? And if you’re thinking about hitting the slopes this winter, now is a great time to do some comparison shopping for snowboarding and skiing gear.
Backcountry skiing has become increasingly popular in recent years, partially because it’s a more challenging form of skiing than what’s typically found in ski resorts. If you’re new to backcountry skiing, don’t worry – there are a lot of beginner-friendly options out there. In fact, most snowboarders start out backcountry skiing before even hitting the slopes at a ski resort!
One of the best things about backcountry skiing is that you get to explore new areas while enjoying the peace and solitude of nature. That said, there are also certain pieces of gear that are necessary for backcountry skiing.
Camping Gear

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Camping is a great way to get outside and experience nature. But it can also be expensive and inconvenient to carry all of your camping gear with you on your adventures. If you’re looking for a more affordable, convenient, and sustainable way to camp, consider backpacking. Backpacking is a great way to get close to nature without having to carry as much gear with you. Here are some reasons why backpacking is the perfect camping option for some people:
Backpacking is affordable- Backpacking gear can be expensive, but you don’t need as much of it as camping with traditional camping gear. For example, a basic backpacking tent costs less than $50, and a good sleeping bag costs about the same.
Backpacking gear can be expensive, but you don’t need as much of it as camping with traditional camping gear. For example, a basic backpacking tent costs less than $50, and a good sleeping bag costs about the same. Backpacking is convenient- Backpackers can go anywhere they want without carrying their entire camping gear with them. They can even backpack in city areas where traditional camping would not be possible.
Why Camping with the Best Gear?

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Camping with the best outdoor gear can give you the perfect getaway. Not only will you be able to enjoy the great outdoors, but you’ll also be able to enjoy the best gear available. If you’re looking for a camping trip that’s sure to provide a memorable experience, look no further than the best gear.
When choosing camping gear, it’s important to consider your needs and wants. You should think about what type of camping you want to do and which items are necessary for that type of camping. For example, backcountry camping requires specialized gear, such as tents and sleeping bags, whereas car camping doesn’t require as much equipment.
Once you have determined your needs, it’s time to explore the available options. The best outdoor gear is not only durable and safety-tested but also stylish and unique. Search online or in-store for reviews of specific items to help you make an informed decision.
Finally, pack your bags and head out into the great outdoors! A camping trip with the best gear is sure to be a memorable experience.